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    8 July 2024, 04:07
  • Last Activity
    1 August 2024, 02:44
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Hello there! I'm Viego, a game enthusiast and app aficionado with a passion for exploring the latest and greatest mobile titles. I'm your one-stop shop for all things mobile! Whether you're a seasoned gamer searching for the next strategic masterpiece or a casual app user looking for a productivity boost, I'm here to navigate you through the ever-expanding world of mobile apps and games. From in-depth reviews and helpful walkthroughs to uncovering hidden gems and dissecting the hottest trends, I'm here to equip you with the knowledge you need to find your next mobile obsession. So, grab your phone, buckle up, and let's dive in!



I’m Viego

Born on January 1, 1999.

Live at W 34th St. in New York, USA.

Graduated from American National University majoring in Technology.

Currently, working as a Games and Apps developer at ModPremium.


My love for technology continues to grow. In high school, I was very good at science and math. I joined my school’s technology club and participated in various competitions. My hard work paid off when I was accepted into NUS. Here I major in Technology.

College life is interesting for me. I learned about coding, software and hardware development. I also made friends with many people with similar interests. They work on projects together and learn from each other. One of my favorite projects was developing a small game as part of a course. This experience fueled his passion for game development.

Start your career

After graduating, I started my career at ModPremium. ModPremium is a well-known company in the app and game development industry. Joining ModPremium is a dream come true for Viego. I started working on various projects, learning new skills and gaining valuable experience.

My first project was to develop an educational app for children. This project was challenging but rewarding. I worked with a team of talented developers and designers. They worked with me to create an app that was both fun and educational. This app received positive feedback and became quite popular.

Game development

Game development is my true passion. I love the creativity and technical skill it involves. At ModPremium, I had the opportunity to work on several game projects. One of my notable projects is developing a massively multiplayer online game. This game allows players to build and explore virtual worlds. It was a huge hit among gamers.

I love the game development process. From character and environment design to coding and testing, I found every step interesting. I believe games are a powerful medium to tell stories and engage people. My goal is to create games that are not only entertaining but also meaningful.

Application development

Besides games, I also work on application development. I have developed many different applications for different purposes. Some of these apps are aimed at increasing productivity, while others are for entertainment. One of my popular apps is fitness trackers. This app helps users track their fitness goals and stay motivated.

My application development approach is user-centric. I believe that understanding user needs is very important. I spend a lot of time researching and gathering feedback. This helps me create intuitive and user-friendly applications. My dedication to quality has earned me a good reputation in the industry.

Challenges and achievements

My journey has not been without challenges. I encountered many obstacles along the way. One of the biggest challenges is keeping up with fast-paced technological advances. The technology industry is constantly evolving and keeping up to date is essential. I tackled this challenge by constantly learning and improving my skills. I attended conferences, took online courses, and read a lot.

Despite the challenges, I have achieved important milestones. I have received several awards for my game and app development work. My projects have been featured in various technology magazines and blogs. I am also a speaker at technology conferences, sharing my knowledge and experience with others.

Future goals

I have big plans for the future. I want to start my own game development studio. My vision is to create innovative and engaging games. I also plan to mentor young developers and help them achieve their dreams. I believe sharing knowledge is crucial for the growth of the tech community.

Viego thanks!
